By: Weston Bonnelle
If you are a blogger that occasionally messes around with the HTML coding of your blog then you may run into this issue. However it’s a pretty easy fix, so you no longer have to feel frustrated. Usually gadgets will move to the bottom a page if the coding in a blog post is incorrect. In extreme cases you will not be able to click on your titles and your blog posts will become nonfunctional. It seems a bit dramatic that the gadgets would be affected by one blog post, but it is. Here’s how you can quickly move the gadgets from the bottom of the page back to where they belong.
Why Did Your Gadgets Move to the Bottom?
It was a cold and rainy day outside, so you decide to do a blog post. Before publishing you see this message :
You think, not a big deal and publish anyway. You chuckle to yourself with righteous indignation, No random message is going to stop me from publishing. Stop showing errors and publish! Or you may be the unlucky soul that doesn't even get a message. Those that didn't get the warning, just walk blindly into a trap. You check out your blog to enjoy the fruits of your labor and BAM....
You scroll down frantically to the bottom of the page and you see your gadgets relaxed at the bottom of the page smiling at you innocently. Oh you mean I'm supposed to be at the side of the page and not at the bottom...
I was able to get my gadgets at the bottom of the page just by taking away the slash in two "</div>". I left both of them at <div> and this sent my blog in a frenzy. Who would have thought that two slashes would send your gadgets running to the bottom of a page?
A Mini Tutorial to Help You Save Your Gadgets!!
1. Try to find which blog post is the offending post. You can do this by:
Left click on the blog titles so that you can do some detective work. Normal blog posts without coding errors will not have the gadgets at the bottom of the page when you view the post. However blog posts with sinister coding will show the gadgets at the bottom of the page.While doing this post I kind of forgot which post I purposefully corrupted so this was a good way to make sure this technique worked. When I viewed individual posts, the blog looked normal until I opened the post titled Media Relations Internship Clear Image.
2. Now that you know which blog post(s) are defected it's time to....ELIMINATE THEM!! No, just kidding, lol. We just need to fix the formatting. The advanced techies can simply fix the coding once they do an overview and find the mistake(s). I imagine that the techie just thinks, "Hummm...oh, lol silly me." *Inserts both slashes while chuckling at oneself and causally drinking coffee*. However if you're like me you're probably screaming at the HTML template "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME!!!".
However never fear, there is a solution for the rest of us! You can just remove the coding in the offending post. The first time I encountered this issue, I rushed in like Superman to manually defeat...uh I mean... erase the bad coding. However I realized quickly that I could.....
3. Use the blogger edit tools to remove the formatting. It will go from this
The HTML Template looks completely different and much more basic compared to the first image.
So in essence your blog post will now look abnormal but your blog is back...that's good enough right?? Right?!?!?!
I meant for this to be a serious tutorial, however I had too much fun. I hope this helped and that you had fun too!
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Thank you!! This helped me fix my blog. My problem was exactly as you described! I appreciate your post and help!
I'm so glad to hear that this help! I remember how upset I felt when this happened to me several months ago :)
thank you thank you thank you thank you !!!!!!!
No problem!!
I'm glad that I was able to help :)
Thank you so much for this - it fixed a very frustrating problem and made me chuckle at the same time!!
@ BSUH I'm glad my corny article was able to fix your problem and make you chuckle :)
Thankyouthankyouthankyou! I'm hopeless when it comes to tech-y stuff, and I thought my gadgets were lost for ever... alas, help was on the way! I've been able to recover them, using you instructions! Awesome!
Another day...and another gadget saved, lol.
you are a genius - thankyou very much =)
I DESPERATELY need help with my blog! I cannot figure this out. This morning my blog was totally fine, then this afternoon all of my gadgets on the right side moved all the way over to the bottom left side. I've gone through my posts and can't find anything wrong.. Am I not doing this right??
Thank you very much. I had already lost a lot of time trying to fix it.
@ Love and Such
Looks like you figured it out :) Sorry that I was too late.
Thank you so much. I thought it was going to be a long night trying to fix this problem. Thanks to your post, it only took a few minutes.
man this awesome how did you find that. i got angry on my blog when shows all the widgets on the bottom, then i searched and find this post thanks for sharing
Thank you!!!!! Great easy fix!!
I have a similar problem that maybe you can help me with.
I will try to explain it the best I can.
I accidentally moved the blog post section of the gadgets while
rearranging my gadgets. Now it is overlapping all of the gadgets next to it and I am unable to place any gadgets in that section.
When I try to rearrange any of the gadgets they will jump to either the top or bottom.
Would appreciate any suggestion you might be able to offer.
Humm, I think I know what you are talking about. Go to the HTML of your template, find the code,
Change the locked="true" into locked='false'. Then go to layout and try to see if you can move the blog post section back to where it belongs.
Sorry for that, I meant the code
b: widget id='Blog1' locked='true' title= 'Blog Posts' type='Blog'
A bit late to the party, but THANK YOU for the solution to why my widgets went on a holiday.
By "viewing" each post I was able to identify the culprit because with all others the blog looked right.
Wow! After searching for HOURS on how to fix the problem you solved it and gave enough description and pictures for me so I could actually figure it out. Thank you!
thank you so so much! It is really helpful. I just encountered the problem like this and didn't know what to do until I found this post. Thanks! you saved my day
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